17 June 1988
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description.
This commercial item description covers a model of the human skull which is suitable for use in demonstrating the anatomical details of the skull and common dental pathologies.
Salient characteristics:
The model shall be a life size model of the adult human skull with two interchangeable mandible and maxilla sets. The model shall be anatomically correct in every detail. Frontal and spheroidal sinuses shall be open. Maxillary sinuses shall be accessible through a cut and hinged maxilla. Suture lines of the contiguous skull bones shall be conspicuous and easily identifiable.
The top portion of the skull shall be removable to allow observation of the inner details. The top of the skull shall be aligned by the use of at least two corrosion resistant metal pins. Two corrosion resistant skull hooks shall secure the top in place.
The two interchangeable mandible and maxilla sets shall attach to the skull by three 1/8 inch corrosion resistant coil extension springs with loops on each end. Two of the springs shall attach the maxilla to the skull. The third spring shall hold the mandible in place on the model and allow the lower jaw to be opened and closed. Corrosion resistant screws shall be used as attachments and anchor points for the spring and hooks.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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